Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy : Digital literate Person by Muhammad Yousuf

by Muhammad Yousuf Ali

Digital literacy is one of the key literacy in digital environment digital literacy is an umbrella terms. But it different from computer literacy or information literacy or media literacy.

“Digital literacy refers to someone’s ability to use IT and digital technology to find, evaluate, create and communicate information,”

Q No. 1 What is Digital Literacy?

Q No. 2 Which types of 5 Digital Literacy Skills organization demand?

Q No. 1 What is Digital Literacy?

The digital literacy definition have plenty of defintion and but most suitable defintion is

The American Library Association (ALA) defines digital literacy as “the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.”

Q No. 2 Which types of 5 Digital Literacy Skills organization demand?

Organizations and Institutions seeking five digital literacy skills in an individual at the time of hiring or recruitment

1. Independent Operate Digital Devices

A digital literate person independently operate the digital devices and can overcome the minor issues. Normal function of create the files, open the files, share and etc. audio visual support or images or any communication tools.

2. Familiar with Digital Platform and terminology

A digital literate person with digital platform and terminology associated with digital literacy.

3. Collaborations

Collaboration within the organization and as well as the out side the organization is very important for the digital literate person. 

4. Ready to Adopt New Technology

Digital literacy has constant changes due rapid change in technological development. A digital literate person has skills to adopt the new technology because innovation has no limit for change.

5. Ability to Explain the Digital Technologies

The last skills of digital literature person to he/she has ability to explain the digital technology with other individual.

How to cite this article

M.Y. Ali (2023). Digital Literacy. Digital literate person.


“Digital Literacy”. Welcome to ALA’s Literacy Clearinghouse. 2017-01-19. Retrieved 23 Jan 2023.