Grey Literature

  1. News : News published print or Electronic media
  2. Official Publication: Official publication of Organization
  3. Dissertation and Theses: Dissertation and Theses submitted in a university
  4. Clinical Trials: Clinical Trial run in the Hospital and Health care organization
  5. Health Reports and Policy : Health reports published by the UNESO, WHO and other organizations
  6. Census Data : Census Data published by the Government organization
  7. Dataset: Dataset extract from research
  8. Company Reports/Information: Stock Exchange company Annual Reports and Board of directors meetings.
  9. Market Research: Market Research survey conduct before or after launching of any Project
  10. Patent: A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention or making any specific product.
  11. Standards and Guidelines: Standard and guidelines to run any specific business.
  12. Social Media Posts : Social Media post like tweet, Post of Facebook, LinkedIn and etc.

These are the main types of Grey Literature.

Farace, D. J. (2007). Introduction: harnessing the power of grey. Publishing Research Quarterly23(1), 1-2.

M.Y. Ali (2024). Grey Literature: Types of Gray Literature.