Mixed Method Research

Mixed Methods Research, Characteristics and Types of Mixed Methods Research Designed by Muhammad Yousuf Ali

Mixed methods is research approach which is quite different from qualitative and quantitative research. But it is mixture of both qualitative and quantitative research. This article we will try explore following questions. a) What is mixed Methods Research? b) Characteristics of Mixed Method Research, c )different design of Mixed Methods research and d) in which discipline Mixed Methods research are used

a. What is mixed Methods Research?

 ‘Mixed methods’ is a research approach whereby researchers collect and analyses both quantitative and qualitative data within the same study.

“A mixed methods research design is a procedure for collecting, analyzing, and “mixing” both quantitative and qualitative research and methods in a single study to understand a research problem.” (Bowers et al., 2013)

b. Characteristics/Features of Mixed Methods Research?

The following are the some basic features of the mixed methods research

  1. The analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data.
  2. The collection of both open and closed-ended data (qualitative and quantitative data) in response to research question.
  3. Persuasive and rigorous procedures for the qualitative and quantitative methods.
  4. The integration of these two data sources (by merging, connecting, embedding).
  5. The use of specific mixed methods design that involves a concurrent or sequential integration
  6. An approach to research that has a philosophical foundation.

c. Types of Mixed Methods Research Design

There 6 main types of mixed methods research approach ( Creswell, 2011)

  1. Convergent Parallel Design

The convergent-parallel approach is a concurrent approach and involves the simultaneous collection of qualitative and quantitative data (usually both QUAL and QUAN are the emphasis), followed by the combination and comparisons of these multiple data sources (i.e., the two methods are ultimately merged). 

This approach is often referred to as the concurrent triangulation design (single-phase) because the data is collected and analyzed individually but at the same time.

2. The Explanatory Sequential Design

 Explanatory Sequential Design Research The researcher Starts by collecting and analyzing quantitative data Collects and analyzes qualitative data in a second phase as a follow-up to the quantitative results.

3. The Exploratory sequential Design 

The exploratory sequential mixed methods design is characterized by an initial qualitative phase of data collection and analysis, followed by a phase of quantitative data collection and analysis, with a final phase of integration or linking of data from the two separate strands of data

4. The Embedded Design

The researcher Collects and analyzes quantitative and qualitative data within a quantitative research design, qualitative research design, or research procedure Collection and analysis of secondary data set occurs before, during, and/or after the primary methods

5. Transformative Design  (Complex Designed)

The transformative design. The transformative design is a mixed methods design that the researcher shapes within a transformative theoretical framework. All other decisions (interaction, priority, timing, and mixing) are made within the context of the transformative framework

6. Multiphase Design

Multiphase design combines both sequential and concurrent strands over a period of time that the researcher implements within a program of study addressing an overall program objective. This approach is often used in program evaluation where quantitative and qualitative approaches are used over time to support the development, adaptation, and evaluation of specific programs.

d. Academic Discipline Where Mixed Method Research Use

Mixed methods approached is used in John Creswell (USA; educational psychology), Janice Morse (USA; nursing and anthropology) Economics, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Education & Educational Research, Business, Cultural Studies, and Business Organisation and management sciences. Health Sciences, Nursing, Behavioural science, Family studies,  

How to Cite this Article :-

Ali, M. Y., (11 March 2021). Mixed Methods Research, Characteristics and Types of Mixed Methods Research Designed by Muhammad Yousuf Ali. https://profileusuf.wordpress.com/mixed-method-research/


Bowers, B., Cohen, L. W., Elliot, A. E., Grabowski, D. C., Fishman, N. W., Sharkey, S. S., … & Kemper, P. (2013). Creating and supporting a mixed methods health services research team. Health services research48(6pt2), 2157-2180.

Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. (2017). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Sage publications.