Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research Characteristics & Advantages

In this article We discuss three important point for undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate students and early career researcher or beginner who want learn basic information about Quantitative Research. Following points were briefly discuss

Quantitative research is defined as a systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques.

1. What is quantitative Research?

2. What are the main characteristics of quantitative research?

3. What are main advantages of quantitative research?

There are five main characteristics of quantitative research

2.  Quantitative research characteristics?

Structured tools: Structured tools such as surveys, polls, or questionnaires are used to gather quantitative data. Using such structure methods helps in collecting in-depth and actionable data from the survey respondents.

Quantitative data: Usually, quantitative data is represented by tables, charts, graphs, or any other non-numerical form. This makes it easy to understand the data that has been collected as well as prove the validity of the market research.

Sample size: Quantitative research is conducted on a significant sample size that represents the target market. Appropriate sampling methods have to be used when deriving the sample to fortify the research objective.

Close-ended questions: Closed-ended questions are created per the objective of the research. These questions help collect quantitative data and hence, are extensively used in quantitative research.

Prior studies: Various factors related to the research topic are studied before collecting feedback from respondents.

Generalization of results: Results of this research method can be generalized to an entire population to take appropriate actions for improvement.

Video lecture about the Quantitative Research Characteristics and Advantages

3. What are main advantages of quantitative research?

Advantages of quantitative research

There are many advantages of quantitative research. Some of the major advantages of why researchers use this method in market research are:

Collect reliable and accurate dataAs data is collected, analyzed, and presented in numbers, the results obtained will be extremely reliable. Numbers do not lie. They offer an honest picture of the conducted research without discrepancies and is also extremely accurate. In situations where a researcher predicts conflict, quantitative research is conducted.

Quick data collection: A quantitative research is carried out with a group of respondents who represent a population. A survey or any other quantitative research method applied to these respondents and the involvement of statistics, conducting, and analyzing results is quite straightforward and less time-consuming.

Wider scope of data analysisDue to the statistics, this research method provides a wide scope of data collection.

Elimination of Biases: This research method offers no scope for personal comments or biasing of results. The results achieved are numerical and are thus, fair in most cases.

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M.Y. Ali (2020).Quantitative Research, Characteristics

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