DL Principle and Elements

Digital Literacy Tools Principle and Elements

by Muhammad Yousuf Ali

In digital era digital literacy is one of core competency of individual this blog discuss about the Element and principle of digital literacy and explore three questions related to digital literacy

Q No. 1 What are digital literacy tools?

Q No. 2 What are the digital literacy principles?

Q No.3 What are the importance of digital literacy?

“Digital literacy refers to someone’s ability to use IT and digital technology to find, evaluate, create and communicate information,”

Q No. 1 What are digital literacy tools?

Digital literacy tools comprised of tablets, laptops, computers, digital interactive whiteboards, digital audiobooks, videos, smartphones and multimedia and so on.

Q No. 2 what are the digital literacy principles?

There are four principles of digital literacy

Comprehension –

Students first must reach a level of comprehension of digital literacy through
lessons, home practice and support group work. This will help children grasp basic concepts of safety and digital literacy that will form the foundation of their learning.

Interdependence –

The next principle that children will learn is interdependence. This is the
concept that different digital platforms are dependent on each other. Students will learn that all forms of digital media are connected to another. This can also help them understand data protection as, due to the sheer abundance of media, it is necessary that media forms not simply co-exist, but supplement one another.

Social Factors –

It is important that children understand that there are social influences and
factors in having an online digital presence. Sharing information, content, media and stories through a certain digital platform can determine the success of that media.

Curation –

The final principle that students will learn about is curating their own content and digital information. An easy way to do this is through using platforms that offer the ability to store and save content for later. Sites with a focus on this such as Pintrest.com allow students to save content and ideas on their own platforms whilst sharing minimal personal data.

Q No.3 What are the Element of Digital literacy?

There are five Elements of digital literacy (Son, 2015)

Information Search and evaluation

Digital literacy create the ability how to search online information and able to evaluate retrieve information is useful or not.


Creation is the second element of digital literacy, Typing on desktop, computer, laptop, cellphone, Image click form the cell phone and ability of the social media post creation.


Communication means use of different ICT device and communicate through it writing an email, voice call, video conference, video calls and zoom and other real time communication with digital devices.


Collaboration on social media platform like sharing of message, spreading the messages through tagging, operation of different accounts actively participate on these account.

Online Safety

Online safety means protection of your digital tools from bugs, virus, spam and hacking and digital activities credentials password security, firewall to protection. Social media account use with care.

How to Cite this Article

M.Y. Ali (2023). Digital Literacy tools, principle and elements. https://profileusuf.wordpress.com/dl-principle-and-elements/


  1.  “Digital Literacy”. Welcome to ALA’s Literacy Clearinghouse. 2017-01-19.
    Retrieved 2020-10-22.
  2. Son, J.-B. (2015). Digital literacy. https://drjbson.com/projects/dl/