
Hypothesis symbol H

by Muhammad Yousuf Ali

1. Symbol: H0 (H-naught)


It refers to the null hypothesis.

Formula used:

The null hypothesis is the hypothesis regarding the population parameter. This is the hypothesis used in statistics that states that there is no statistical significance for a given set of observations.

Used in:

Testing of Hypothesis used in H0 (H-naught).

2. Symbol: H1 (H-one)


It refers to the alternative hypothesis.

Formula used:

The alternative hypothesis is formed in such a way that when we reject the null hypothesis we accept the alternative hypothesis.

Used in:

Testing of Hypothesis used in H1 (H-one).

To know about hypotheses types please watch this video

5Minutes, Researcher, Scholar, Scholarly Communication

Research Questions vs Research Hypothesis by Muhammad Yousuf Ali

Research Hypothesis and Research Questions are very common terms which encounter by the early career researchers and scholars. In this short article try cover the point following point.

1. What is Research Questions?

2. What is Hypothesis? or Definition of Hypothesis?

3. What is the difference between Research Questions vs Research Hypothesis?

1. What is Research Questions?

A research question is the question a research study sets to answer. A research study has more than one research question as per the nature of the research. Research questions are often used in qualitative research, which seek to answer open-ended questions. But Research questions can also be used in quantitative studies. Research questions can be used instead of hypotheses.


What is the environmental impact of the disposal of plastic water bottles?

Has smoking effects on human health?

Both questions have descriptive nature and research can narrate describe various reason and no need for the experiment.

2. What is Hypothesis? or Definition of Hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a formal tentative statement of the expected relationship between two or more variables under study.

Not all studies have hypotheses. Hypotheses are usually used in experimental quantitative research studies. They are useful in testing a specific theory or model.  A complete hypothesis always includes the variables, population and the predicted relationship between the variables.

Disposal plastic water bottle has significant impact on the air pollution?


Is smoking is cause of cancer?

The Above two example derived from Research questions how researcher/scholars can convert research questions into research hypothesis

3. What is the difference between Research Questions vs Research Hypothesis?

There are four major difference between the research questions and research hypothesis.

1. Nature

2. Existing Research

3. Outcome

4. Study Type

How to cite this article

Ali, MY. (10 July 2021). Research Questions vs Research Hypothesis. https://profileusuf.wordpress.com/2021/07/10/research-questions-vs-research-hypothesis-by-muhammad-yousuf-ali/